Create. Inspire. Empower.
The environment we inhabit becomes a part of us as who we are impacts the spaces we find ourselves day in and day out. It is through our daily rituals, our comings and our goings, that we become who we are and who we become forms the world around us.
My paintings are about the push and pull of physical space, personal history, and the emotional experiences that happen in the context of space.
Create Beauty. Inspire Wonder. Empower Creativity.

Hello! I am a fourth generation native to the beautiful state of Colorado and come from a tradition of homesteaders, ranchers, and mountain-lovers. I was born and raised in Greeley, Colorado and earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and K-12 Art Education from Colorado State University in 2009.
I currently live and work in Denver, Colorado. When I am not working in my studio at Globeville Riverfront Arts Center, you can find me making art with young adults at Thornton High School.
My paintings can be viewed and purchased at my studio at Globeville Riverfront Art Center. If you see something that catches your eye or are interested in commissioning a personalized painting, please use the contact form below to send me a note.

"Creative isn't the way I think. It's the way I like to live."